Great Northern Beans vs Pinto Beans?

Great Northern Beans vs Pinto Beans? What’s the Difference?

Great Northern Beans are a type of white bean frequently used in soups and stews since they hold their shape. In comparison, Pinto Beans are brown beans that can be served whole, mashed, or refried and is a favorite in Mexican and southwestern dishes.

Scroll down to learn more about these beans and their differences.

What Are Great Northern Beans?

Great Northern Beans are a popular white bean, making them similar to Navy Beans and Cannellini Beans. They are small to medium-sized with a delicate flavor and are most popular in North America for stew, soup, and casserole since they hold their shape. They can also be turned into their own side dish.

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What Are Pinto Beans?

The Pinto Bean is a type of speckled bean that is popular in South America, Latin America, and the southwestern United States. It can be served in many ways, including whole, mashed, and refried. It is frequently used as a filling in Mexican cuisines, like burritos and tacos.

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Great Northern Beans vs Pinto Beans

Now that we know what Great Northern Beans and Pinto Beans are, let’s compare them to one another. Technically, Great Northern Beans and Pinto Beans can be used interchangeably, but they are often used in separate dishes due to their differences in flavor and color.


The color of Great Northern Beans and Pinto Beans is very different. Great Northern Beans are white, whereas Pinto greens are brown with speckles. Just looking at the beans will allow you to tell the difference.


Great Northern Beans have a mild, nutty flavor. This flavor makes them a good pair in soups and stews since they take on the flavor they’re cooked with. In comparison, Pinto Beans have a slightly stronger flavor and a creamier texture, but it takes on other flavors too. It is most often used in Hispanic-style dishes.

Cooking Time

Great Northern Beans typically cook faster than Pinto Beans. For dry beans, soak them in water overnight and allow them to simmer over low heat. Great Northern Beans will need to simmer for 45 minutes, whereas Pinto Beans will need to simmer for 120 minutes.


Beans are considered a healthy protein, and Great Northern and Pinto Beans are no exception. As you will see below, the nutrition of both these beans is very similar.

Per 100 gGreat Northern BeansPinto Beans
Proteins 21.86 g21.42 g
Carbohydrates 62.37 g62.55 g
Dietary fiber 20.2 g15.5 g
Food energy 339 kcal347 kcal
Saturated fatty acids 0.36 g0.23 g
Monosaturated fatty acids 0.05 g0.23 g
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 0.48 g0.41 g
Potassium 1387 mg1393 mg
Copper0.84 mg0.89 mg
Calcium 175 mg113 mg
Iron5.47 mg5.07 mg
Magnesium 189 mg176 mg
Phosphorous 447 mg411 mg
Zinc2.31 mg2.28 mg
Sodium 14 mg12 mg
Vitamin C5.3 mg6.3 mg
Niacin1.96 mg1.17 mg


The main difference between Great Northern Beans and Pinto Beans is their color, flavor, texture, and culinary uses. Even so, both are healthy and make great protein sources.